LETTERS FROM BCo: No tricks being played by the universe

I’ve learned that….

Not everything or everyone is against you. The universe is on your side and is begging you to align with it so it can shower you with the gifts you’ve been wanting. You wanted something, asked for it, received it, then returned it because you couldn’t believe it was real. Favor doesn’t work like that. It came right away and you shunned it. How could the universe ever bless you if you don’t believe in it’s favor.

The universe is teaching you to relax. Relax, B. It wants you to have what you want as well, but you can’t go around not believing it. Love yourself and spread it to others. God is not trying to trick you. He’s trying to get you to believe. You are doing all of the work necessary to hear and overcome. Believe it’s harvest time. Start believing that when something happens to you, it’s the cause of the seed planted and sowed, not because of some coincidence.

You’ve spoken many things into your life and they’ve come true. Don’t grow weak in this area. You are desired, you are wanted, you have more than enough to offer. Don’t assume what you don’t know. Take everything as is and what you need to know will be revealed. It’s your time. Don’t let these self-defeating, self-sabotaging thoughts get in the way. Where do they come from? Why are they here? They want to squash all of the work you put in.

Not everything will go perfectly, but you can always turn things around and the universe answers your prayers. You just have to ALIGN. Know this: God loves you. There are no tricks to be played by God. Be open, be receptive. Put yourself first and it will all come back to you….as it already is.