Hello, World! It’s me, Brandi.


About two and half years ago, I decided that I wanted my life to be different, I wanted to be different. When I put that request out to the universe, my world shook in a lot of ways….I mean really, really shook. I guess it’s true when they say you have to get uncomfortable to get to the next level, because I became uncomfortable as hell, still am at times. I’ve realized that as I’m on my journey to being the best that I can be in career, mind, body, spirit, love…that I’m learning so much on the way.

We always get to see the end result of someone’s success or transformation, but what about the road to getting there? We get the nuggets and great advice from those who have gone on before us and have done tremendous things, but there are some immediate lessons that are happening right now that I would love to document and share. So, I’ve started this blog. And I can’t believe it. I’m notoriously private, so it’s a miracle that you’re even here reading this. But now I’m ready to share what I’m actually learning and applying. I’m no guru, but I hope my lessons can help you in your journey.

Here you will find Letters From BCo, short notes and letters I wrote (and still write) to myself when going through this journey. It has helped me tremendously in self-talk and re-aligning myself with my purpose. You will also get tips that have helped me with mind and body such as the books I’ve read, beauty, food, hair, and health. And lastly, I’ll be sharing my creative journey as an actress, which should be very interesting because there are always ups, downs, and arounds.

So, feel free to comment, share, and dig into this community of those working towards being their absolute best.