This is the first letter from my series of ‘Letters from BCo’. These are words of encouragement that I would write to myself on my way to becoming the person that I need to be to elevate to the next level in mind, body, spirit, career, and love. Instead of speaking negatively, I would remind myself of the things that I have learned from books, mentors, experiences, heartaches, wins, and what I was currently learning at the time. I hope this helps you!

I’ve learned that….

This path that you’re walking on is your own. Be proud of stepping into your own light. What you hold, your intelligence, your personality, your knowledge, your wisdom, your talent, your beauty is enough. You are well equipped to take it to the next level. Please know and believe that.

You walk down a certain path because it works for you. It may not be something that others understand, but that’s ok. It’s your life and in order for you to manifest it, you have to strongly believe that you are exactly where you need to be, doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. This is also the process of letting go. Let go of what others may think of you and your path. Don’t allow what society’s thoughts are on where you should be, how you should look, and how you should act determine any moves you make in life. This is your path and you’re the only one who has to walk it.

Be excited and proud without conceit and confident the Universe’s creation was meant for a purpose that only you can fulfill. That fact is waiting for you to catch up to it. You’re made for this. You are on your way.
